Es casi agosto en Madrid. ¡Calor, calor, calor y no hay dinero para salir fuera! ¿Qué hacemos para sobrevivir en verano sin gastar mucho?

Pues aquí tenéis unas sugerencias para escapar del calor y pasarlo bien, ¡aprendiendo inglés a la vez!

  1. Acondicionar bien tu casa:

  During the day, lower the blinds (bajar las persianas) and then when you open them again in the evening hang a wet towel (cuelga una toalla mojada en agua fria) in front of the window.

Take out all the unnecessary things like rugs, cushions and blankets from the room. Less is better!

Mop the floors (friega los suelos)  with cold water to cool down the room.

Put a cold water bottle in front of your fan (ventilador) to make it cooler.

Put your sheets (sábanas) in the fridge before making the bed.

Don’t sleep with the air-conditioning on all night – it’s expensive and not very healthy! Put it on for ten minutes before going to bed and then switch it off (apagarlo). 

Bring the good views to you, if you can’t go to them! ☺

Put up some lovely photos on your walls to make you feel happy and in a holiday mood.

  1. Cool things to do in the city.

Find a walkable fountain (like the one in the photo above)and walk through it to cool down. In Madrid there is one in Madrid Río.

Go to the cinema to see a film in the original version at 7 pm, in the heat of the day – you get free air con and then when you come out, it’s cooler again! English practice + coolness = win, win ☺

Come to Cambridge House schools to study English – sit in a cool classroom – where else would you go at 4 pm in August?!! Shopping malls are cool but expensive!

Get a train and go out to the mountains for the day! It’s much cooler out there and you can get exercise. Take a picnic and sit under a tree on the mountain with great views!

  1. Watch your diet! Eat the right things.

Don’t eat heavy, big meals. Eat little and often. 

Eat light foods like salads and fruit and smoothies.

Drink a lot of water.

  1. Wear the right clothes.

Don’t wear tight clothes (no muy ajustada).

Wear cotton, not synthetic fabrics.

Wear comfy, wide shoes that allow your feet to breathe (zapatos cómodos y amplios que dejen respirar tus pies).

Ninguna de estas sugerencias deberían costarte mucho dinero, así que vamos allá ¡a pasar un verano fresquito y repasando el inglés al tiempo!