¿Te da miedo cada vez que tienes que llamar a otro país que no habla español o coger una llamada de un extranjero?

Pues ¡ya no! Aquí vamos a enseñarte cómo  hacerlo, usando unas estructuras y vocabulario básicos.

Imagina que tienes que hacer una llamada:

“Hi / Good morning.

Could I speak to Mr Johnson please?


I’m calling to speak to Mr Johnson

My name is Susana from Oxytech, Spain.


This is Susana from Oxytech, Spain.”

(Si no te pueden pasar porque no está o está reunido)

“Oh, ok. Could you tell him please that Susana called from Oxytech, Spain and ask him to contact me when he can? Thank you so much.


Oh dear, it is quite urgent. When can I get in touch with him?

Thank you so much. I think he has my number but just in case, here it is: Spain – 666660000

Thank you. Goodbye. Have a good day.


Cuando coges una llamada de un país extranjero:

“Good morning, this is Susana. Can I help you?

I’m afraid Sr Gonzalez isn’t available at the moment. Can I take a message?


I’m sorry, Sr Gonzalez is in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?

Yes, of course. Who is calling? I’ll pass you through.

Yes, of course – can you hold a moment and I’ll try to find him. Ok, passing you through now.


Would you like to speak to another person from the department?


Can I ask what it is in relation to?


Can he phone you back later? She can’t take the call at the moment.

Could you tell me your name and phone number please?

Could you repeat that please? I didn’t quite get it.

Can you spell your surname please?

What is a good time to contact you?


  • No tengas miedo de pedir que hablen más despacio:

Could you speak a little slower please? I can’t hear you very well.

  • Habla despacio y claro para que te entiendan. Muchas veces no entienden porque lo has dicho muy rápido o no muy claro.

I’m sorry, I’ll repeat that for you.

  • Recuerda que ¡ellos también pueden estar un poco nerviosos cuando hablan por teléfono!
  • Hay que mantener la calma y la confianza en tu inglés y tener una sonrisa puesta.
  • Recuerda que siempre es bueno usar mucho please / thank you para que tengan buena impresión de ti. 

Bueno, ¡suerte! Y no tengas miedo de coger el teléfono. ☺